English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tsangwama" ita ce shiga tsakanin abubuwa biyu ko mutane, don kawo cikas ga al'ada ko ci gaban wani abu, ko shiga ko shiga cikin al'amuran wani ko kasuwanci.

Sentence Examples

  1. Years of covert practice had taught her to control her emotions, to gather them and stow them away where they could not interfere with the actions of her body.
  2. No, no, my friend Jonathan, you go take the lock off a hundred empty house in this your London, or of any city in the world and if you do it as such things are rightly done, and at the time such things are rightly done, no one will interfere.
  3. Nothing could stop us, nothing could interfere with OUR REACHING COMPLETE AND TOTAL AGREEMENT ON THE BEST WAY TO ACT.
  4. The Queen would not interfere with her next steps, but Rozlynn would not engage with her either.
  5. However, there was business to be done, and I could allow nothing to interfere with it.
  6. If so, part of him feels like he ought to come after me, but another part is arguing that he has no right to interfere in my life.
  7. You men will keep your distance and not interfere unless you have to.
  8. I am not sure, however, whether payment will comport with the cure, and I would not have the reward interfere with the medicine.
  9. You will not interfere with the work she does for me, nor will you cause her to suffer, in any way, because of my orders to her.
  10. Trunculin noticed that Darion made no move to try to interfere.