English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "inshora" ita ce: kwangila ko tsari wanda mutum ko mahaluƙi ke samun kariya ta kuɗi ko biyan kuɗi daga asarar da aka yi daga kamfanin inshora don musanya biyan kuɗi na yau da kullun. Manufofin inshora na iya ɗaukar nau'ikan haɗari daban-daban kamar hatsarori, cututtuka, lalacewar dukiya, ko mutuwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The money from the sale, together with the insurance for the stolen necklace meant he would have been home and dry.
  2. I have an inspector verify the building is up to code, I contact our insurance company to give us a quote, I schedule a walk-through with the fire marshal, and hire a cleaning crew for before and after the event.
  3. He advised me to cancel our credit card, take half the money out of our joint account, open a new account in my name, deposit my paychecks to my new account, change my life insurance beneficiary, change the locks, and get receipts for everything I give her.
  4. We also decided to avoid the chance that our car would be vandalized in Maputo and that we would have to pay the hefty deductible on the insurance.
  5. Insurance had covered damages to all the furniture, and new stuff had already been delivered.
  6. Our insurance check finally arrived, so I need to hand it off to TB before I fly out so he can continue renovations.
  7. Sporting a black attaché case, he could have passed for a fifty-year-old salesman peddling insurance door-to-door.
  8. If he had been working in the United States, he could have charged five times as much and supported a legion of administrators and clerks at multiple insurance companies and intermediaries.
  9. I hate doing that since TB and I agreed to use some of the insurance money to pay off debts and both vowed to keep it that way.
  10. I am not an eavesdropper, but it is my duty to evaluate her state of inebriation for insurance exposure purposes.