English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "shigarwa" tana nufin kuɗi ko kuɗin da mutum ko ƙungiya ke karɓa akai-akai, yawanci daga aiki, saka hannun jari, ayyukan kasuwanci, ko wasu hanyoyin. Yana wakiltar shigar kuɗi ko albarkatun kuɗi zuwa mutum ko mahaluƙi. Kudin shiga na iya ɗaukar nau'o'i daban-daban, ciki har da albashi, albashi, riba, rabo, riba, haya, ko duk wata riba ta kuɗi. Yawancin lokaci ana amfani da shi don biyan kuɗi, ajiyar kuɗi don gaba, saka hannun jari, ko inganta yanayin rayuwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. By courtesy of his creditors, there still remained in his possession a small remnant of his patrimony and, upon the income arising from this, he managed, by means of a rigorous economy, to procure the necessaries of life, without troubling himself about its superfluities.
  2. There are blessings from Katrina, as Viola says in the beginning, for my travel writing took off, a job I had wanted my entire career although being a newspaper editor provided a steady income and benefits.
  3. The house we were so concerned about was an anchor wrapped tightly around our necks, always taking what precious little income we managed to save, replacing vacations that might have rescued our marriage with new water heaters and plumbing mishaps.
  4. Because my income consisted entirely of disability checks, she saw me as little more than a government leech.
  5. From what I can gather, the town is middle to lower income.
  6. Find out what kind of annual income we can expect from this manor, if any.
  7. More than the lost jobs and income, their childless home drove the irreparable chasm between them.
  8. It subtracts the cost of pollution and increases as the poor receive a greater portion of national income.
  9. Jobs and disposable income are critical components at home, as is locating a workforce abroad who can produce goods to import for low wages.
  10. An olla of rather more beef than mutton, a salad on most nights, scraps on Saturdays, lentils on Fridays, and a pigeon or so extra on Sundays, made away with three-quarters of his income.