English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "raguwa" shine tsaga ko rabuwa, yawanci mai zurfi, a cikin wani abu mai ƙarfi. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa shiga ko fissure mai siffar V. A matsayin fi’ili, “raga” na nufin tsaga ko raba abu, ko raba shi kashi biyu. Ƙari ga haka, ana iya amfani da “raguwa” a matsayin sifa don siffanta wani abu da aka raba ko aka raba, kamar tsagewar leɓe ko guntun baki.

Sentence Examples

  1. The red stream trickled across the top of her cleft first, and she jerked against her bindings.
  2. The lady in the coach, amazed and terrified at what she saw, ordered the coachman to draw aside a little, and set herself to watch this severe struggle, in the course of which the Biscayan smote Don Quixote a mighty stroke on the shoulder over the top of his buckler, which, given to one without armour, would have cleft him to the waist.
  3. Meanwhile, by a cleft between two walls of rock, following a path worn by a torrent, and which, in all human probability, human foot had never before trod, Dantès approached the spot where he supposed the grottos must have existed.
  4. Their voices rose from the darkness, sending the signal to the southern cleft where Gudrun raised her arms.
  5. It earned its name from the hill it sat on, broken as if a jotunn had cleft it in half.
  6. Then through the darkness I could see a sort of patch of grey light ahead of us, as though there were a cleft in the hills.
  7. His fingertips traced her jaw to chin, hesitated at the small cleft.
  8. I swept my gaze from his close-cropped black hair to his wide smile and the adorable cleft in his chin.
  9. The man in his sights is tall with dark hair, square chin with a cleft, an almost perfect nose.
  10. A ruddy, clobbered face, flattened nose, scar in place of a cleft on his chin, and squinting right eye.