English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "marasa kyau" ita ce:sifa: ba tawali'u; samun ko nuna wuce gona da iri na iyawa, nasarori, ko kamannin mutum; rashin mutunci, cin zarafi, ko rashin kwalliya.Misali Hukunci: Rashin mutuncinsa a wurin bikin ya sa kowa ya ji daɗi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Here one curses her and calls her capricious, fickle, and immodest, there another condemns her as frail and frivolous this pardons and absolves her, that spurns and reviles her one extols her beauty, another assails her character, and in short all abuse her, and all adore her, and to such a pitch has this general infatuation gone that there are some who complain of her scorn without ever having exchanged a word with her, and even some that bewail and mourn the raging fever of jealousy, for which she never gave anyone cause, for, as I have already said, her misconduct was known before her passion.
  2. She had a rather immodest opinion of her own beauty, and was known to brag about her silky brown hair, long slender fingers, white teeth and glowing complexion.
  3. The sleeves were little puffs that ended in a froth of the lace and the bodice was a deep square saved from being immodest by the lace that trimmed it.