English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "rago" shine yanayi ko ingancin rashin aiki, malalaci, ko rashin aiki mai ma'ana. Yana nufin yanayin rashin yin wani aiki ko zama ba kowa, sau da yawa yakan haifar da bata lokaci ko yin watsi da wani nauyi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yanayin nishaɗi, inda mutum ba ya yin wani takamaiman aiki ko aiki, a maimakon haka kawai yana shakatawa ko jin daɗin lokacin hutu.


  1. faineance

Sentence Examples

  1. The youth, still the bearer of the colors, did not feel his idleness.
  2. But Danglars had not reckoned upon the formalities of the police and the idleness of the posting-master.
  3. But labor of the hands, even when pursued to the verge of drudgery, is perhaps never the worst form of idleness.
  4. I have spent many an hour, when I was younger, floating over its surface as the zephyr willed, having paddled my boat to the middle, and lying on my back across the seats, in a summer forenoon, dreaming awake, until I was aroused by the boat touching the sand, and I arose to see what shore my fates had impelled me to days when idleness was the most attractive and productive industry.
  5. This standing about, this idleness, was interminable.
  6. No more idleness, though, I promised myself and him.
  7. Nor will it be a sufficient excuse to say that the chief object well-ordered governments have in view when they permit plays to be performed in public is to entertain the people with some harmless amusement occasionally, and keep it from those evil humours which idleness is apt to engender and that, as this may be attained by any sort of play, good or bad, there is no need to lay down laws, or bind those who write or act them to make them as they ought to be made, since, as I say, the object sought for may be secured by any sort.
  8. The idleness of the two surprised Krista she assumed that the guards would have been watching for tickets or some sort of identification.
  9. Father may tolerate your idleness, but I expect a property caretaker to care for the entire property.