English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "aiki" ita ce halaye, imani, halaye, ko maganganun da ke sa mutum, ƙungiya, ko abu ya bambanta da wasu. Siffofin bambance-bambance ne ke bayyana wane ko menene wani ko wani abu. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yanayin sanin kansa, wanda shine fahimtar mutum game da halayensu na musamman da halayensu. Za a iya yin tasiri ga ainihi ta hanyar abubuwa daban-daban kamar su jinsin halitta, al'adu, muhalli, gogewa, da zaɓi na sirri.

Sentence Examples

  1. It can hardly be to discredit him since no one else knows the identity of the creator.
  2. The search for identity and a God to identify with will always be our path.
  3. Oh, he had known she was lying about her identity.
  4. As the Irish, Italians, and Scandinavians desired to be seen first as Americans, so Garik sought a Russian identity.
  5. Carl smiled at the sound and wondered about the identity of the young man whose eyes twinkled as he tried to keep from laughing.
  6. I also had no idea what her quote meant, but I was more focused on how Ursula knew my identity.
  7. Sheila was blonde back then, now her hair was brunette, she believed a new identity might help her stand out.
  8. But any hacker with an ounce of know-how could discover the identity of a blogger.
  9. The downside of a secret identity is that some of the guests are getting a little bold.
  10. I had never admitted my true identity to anyone before.