English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "hegemony" shine jagoranci ko rinjaye na wata ƙasa ko ƙungiyar zamantakewa akan wasu. Yana iya komawa ga tasirin siyasa, tattalin arziki, ko al'ada da wata ƙungiya ta ke yi akan wasu, sau da yawa ta hanyar amfani da iko, ƙarfi, ko tilastawa. Har ila yau Hegemony na iya komawa ga akida mai girma ko rinjaye ko ra'ayin duniya na al'umma ko kungiya, wanda ke tsara imani, dabi'u, da ayyukan membobinta kuma yana tasiri ga al'ada mafi girma.

Sentence Examples

  1. That Tethys would manage to secure a position in the forthcoming hegemony, but hardly dominate over Kronos or Atlas?
  2. The peace council had returned from Atlantis and, despite all he had done, they had granted Atlas control of the island in perpetuity, provided distribution of the Ambrosia was overseen by a new hegemony calling themselves the Ouranid League.