English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “hannu” na iya zama suna ko fi’ili.A matsayin suna, “hannu” na nufin sashin jiki a karshen hannu wanda ya hada da yatsu da yatsa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga katunan da ɗan wasa ke riƙe a wasan katin, ko rukunin ma'aikata ko mataimakan da mutum ko ƙungiya ke ɗauka.A matsayin fi’ili, “hannu” na iya nufin bayarwa ko wucewa. wani abu ga wani yana amfani da hannaye, ko don taɓawa ko sarrafa wani abu da hannun mutum. Hakanan yana iya nufin mika wuya ko aika wani abu ga wani, kamar yadda yake cikin "ya mika makullan mota."


  1. custody

Sentence Examples

  1. Markos pressed his hands against the wall of the building facing us.
  2. I tried to shift position, but it was impossible to get comfortable with my hands and ankles cuffed.
  3. I stuck out an elbow, knocking it from her hands, and ran for the door.
  4. Nana D planned to start a petition to have the councilman removed from office because of his sweaty hands.
  5. I tried not to hurt her any more when I pulled her to her feet again by her cuffed hands.
  6. My hands scrabbled at the door, but Saki twisted my arm behind my back so hard, and so unexpectedly, I yelped aloud.
  7. I shook my hands to stop the buzzing as the adamantine walls of the building objected to the level one hit and then climbed onto the windowsill and pulled myself inside.
  8. I held the paper carefully, willing my hands to stay steady.
  9. I was tempted to use my I know how to kill a man with my bare hands line, but these guys would probably laugh at me.
  10. Hands held mine behind my back, while several others restrained me.

TV Series Examples



I'll kill every Targaryen I get my hands on.



By what right dare you lay hands



Kings and Hands have come to me



But you can't get your hands



your hands and feet