English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tsarewa" ita ce kulawa ko kulawar wani ko wani abu, musamman ta iyaye ko waliyyi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga haƙƙin doka da alhakin kula da yaro ko dukiya, yawanci sakamakon umarnin kotu ko yarjejeniya. Bugu da kari, “tsari” na iya komawa ga tsare mutum ko kuma daure mutum, kamar kasancewa a hannun ‘yan sanda ko kuma a tsare shi a gidan yari har sai an gurfanar da shi a gaban shari’a.

Sentence Examples

  1. Two uniformed police officers rushed in and took Jane into custody.
  2. Esteban and Reyna headed around back with the others, leaving these two in the custody of Luis.
  3. Your friends have all been released from custody on the condition that they take an oath of silence.
  4. Tidbits of interesting information are in my custody, and some are quite suspicious for a man looking for suspects.
  5. The custody agreement allowed him to see his sons once a week.
  6. After the guards took him into custody, Marcus became catatonic.
  7. The news reports had said which police department had taken him into custody.
  8. If we let them out now, the police would take them into custody.
  9. It was a beaut one of our old mugs, with two side-by-side portrait and profile images with a Chicago PD custody number on a placard in front of him.
  10. This might be done by first agreeing and settling among themselves what suspected persons shall be accused of a plot then, effectual care being taken to secure all their letters and papers, and the criminal placed in secure custody, these papers might be delivered to a set of artists sufficiently dexterous to find out the mysterious meanings of words, syllables, and letters.