English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "gaba" ita ce "daga mafari da hangen nesa; gaba a lokaci, wuri, ko tsari; gaba zuwa makoma ko manufa." Yawancin lokaci ana amfani da shi azaman karin magana don nuna motsi a wata hanya ta musamman ko farkon aiki. Misali, “Ta fito daga inuwa,” ko kuma “Ya tashi da safe da safe.”

Sentence Examples

  1. To cover my pathetic comeback, I opened the door again, and started swinging it back and forth.
  2. Because spring has almost arrived, the trees are beginning to burst forth in greens and other colors, dogwoods dotting the landscape in whites and pinks.
  3. I use the opportunity to close my eyes, listen to the water spewing forth and calm down.
  4. Her blade bit into his neck and a gush of green goo frothed forth.
  5. I paced back and forth, counting the seconds to my next patrol shift so I could get the hell out of here and do something useful.
  6. He drew forth a whip of blue fire from the folds of his cloak, flinging it towards Evan lazily.
  7. Evan toppled to the ground, drenched in the black demon ichors that spewed forth.
  8. Demons vomited forth from the newly created hole in the side of the castle.
  9. I giggle watching Winnie mentally log this information, nodding her head back and forth like those dogs you place on windshields.
  10. I try to make out her face but her right hand is placed over her right eye as she whimpers, rocking back and forth agitated.

TV Series Examples



or go forth and hold his silence.