English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙarfi" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Ga wasu ma’anoni masu yiwuwa: iko ko kuzari, kamar na aikin jiki ko motsi. Misali: Ƙarfin iska ya yi ƙarfi sosai har ta kakkaɓe bishiyoyi da dama. wani iko na gama gari ko tasiri. Misali: Jam’iyyar siyasa tana da karfi da yawa a bayanta. Misali: 'Yan sanda sun yi amfani da karfi wajen murkushe wanda ake zargin. Misali: Sojojin sun shiga cikin birnin da dukkan karfinsu. Misali: Ƙarfin nauyi yana kiyaye mu a ƙasa.


  1. effect

Sentence Examples

  1. The only way to stop Enzar conquering the entire Multiverse is to have an equal force to oppose them.
  2. The resounding sparks of magic burned holes in its skin through gaps where someone had knocked scales off, and it flailed, tail thrashing with enough force to break concrete.
  3. The world rushed past, buildings blurring to grey, the wind striking like a physical force, cold and sharp.
  4. Now, Nell came out into the hallway, her usual sharp expression back in full force.
  5. The entire force of the Alliance was present there were easily three hundred people in the entrance hall.
  6. There was a shattering, several crashes, screams, and we hit the floor of the entrance hall with enough force to send my heart slamming into my ribs.
  7. I pulled on magic and used its force to drive me, and the wrenching motion sent me flying backwards.
  8. Brooke clung to his neck instinctively but was about to make a break for it again when she met the full force of his gaze.
  9. No denying they needed it, seeing as they were the one force standing between Earth and the mercy of a thousand offworld threats.
  10. Tyrell gestured and a rush of air took hold of the wereleopard, seizing his body and launching it backwards with amazing force.

TV Series Examples



The Night's Watch will ride in force