English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tasiri" a matsayin suna ita ce: wani canji da ke zama sakamako ko sakamakon wani aiki ko wani dalili don kawo sakamako; influence wani abin da ake samu a hankali ko hankalikaya ko dukiya, musamman ma wanda mutum ko kamfani ya samu, wanda za a iya amfani da shi wajen samar da dukiya ko samun kudin shiga. A matsayin fi’ili, “tasiri” na nufin kawo ko haifar da wani abu ya faru.

Sentence Examples

  1. In its purest form, it could also be used to create a chameleon effect.
  2. Josh looked over the room as Ryan attempted to repair the table, to little effect.
  3. I told him that, and the effect was like watching a flower wilt in the heat, or some such thing.
  4. Every use of magic has an equal backlash effect, and there are three levels of increasing severity.
  5. The ripple effect sent me staggering back, but it was worse for Ellen.
  6. Her hair is frozen in place, every strand, reminding me of my grandmother who visited a beauty parlor every week for that teased effect.
  7. Daylight highlighted the richness of the colors and the quality of the workmanship, creating a pleasant effect, but when the light was low the room had always struck Cianne as oppressive.
  8. A hole in the rock ceiling allows for light to cascade down and the illuminating effect is remarkable.
  9. She sighed for effect, pushing a bit of ham around on her plate, using the distraction to study her father from under lowered lids.
  10. Someone had caused such a magical disturbance, it had a ripple effect on all the other magic in the vicinity.