English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai ƙafa" bawa ne na miji wanda aka ɗauka don biyan bukatun gida, musamman a matsayin mai ba da abinci. A tarihi, ana buƙatar ’yan ƙafa da yawa su yi gudu tare ko a gaban abin hawa don share hanya da ba da taimako ga mai aikinsu. A zamanin yau, kalmar na iya nufin sojan da ke tafiya da ƙafa ko kuma ɗan wasan da ke yin gasar tseren ƙafa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Debray, with the air of a man familiar with the house, entered first into the court, threw his bridle into the hands of a footman, and returned to the door to receive Madame Danglars, to whom he offered his arm, to conduct her to her apartments.
  2. Julius commanded the footman to take care of the horses and put away the carriage.
  3. She directed the chauffeur and the footman to carry up a nice feather bed and a side table with a good reading lamp.
  4. At half-past one they descended, the coachman and footman had put on their livery over their disguises, which gave them a more ridiculous appearance than ever, and which gained them the applause of Franz and Albert.
  5. The carriage stopped, the footman sprang off the box and opened the door.
  6. They marched purposefully with the cavalry in the van and flanks and every third footman was carrying a bow.
  7. The limo pulled up in front of the Boston Park Plaza hotel, a liveried footman opening their door and helping them out.
  8. He is usually governed by a decayed wench or favorite footman, who are the tunnels through which all graces are conveyed, and may properly be called, in the last resort, the governors of the kingdom.
  9. The footman had difficulty masking his astonishment at these two apparitions.