English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "sag" ya dogara da ɓangaren magana, wanda zai iya zama kalma ko suna. zuwa ƙasa, yawanci saboda nauyi ko matsi. Hakanan yana iya nufin raguwar ƙarfi ko inganci. Misali: "Tsohuwar kujera tana sambatu a tsakiya."A matsayin suna, "sag" na iya nufin wani abu mai faduwa ko nutsewa, kamar rufi ko bene. Misali: "Rufin yana da sag da aka sani a tsakiya.""Sag" kuma ana iya amfani da shi a cikin maganganun magana, kamar " ruhohin ruhohi " (wani raguwar halin kirki) ko "tattalin arzikin kasa" ( raguwar ayyukan tattalin arziki).


  1. droop

Sentence Examples

  1. The flesh of his body seemed to sag against his skeleton.
  2. One of the crewmen put a hand on his shoulder as his whole body seemed to sag.
  3. Fifteen feet from the opening in the side of the helicopter, unable to see what was happening below his dangling feet, he felt something sag.
  4. Her thoughts of Quinn fleeing her mind, her face returned to an unhealthy sag.
  5. Both were pulled taught, but Jack knew that as soon as any great weight was applied to them they would stretch and sag.
  6. His skin seemed to sag from his skull, sunken cheeks grotesquely overemphasizing the bones above.
  7. A strong wind stirred the sea to angry waves, and the relentless rain so soaked the wooden dock it appeared to sag in the middle.
  8. The Queen hissed hideously as he chopped off several of her legs, causing her body to sag to the floor.
  9. The bluster was missing, and she appeared to sag, as if part of her had previously been blown up but now the air had escaped.
  10. The space was small, his legs were raised up the wall, his back against the other and like some untidy sack of spilled grain he had landed to sag onto the floor partly blocking the door.