English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "flannel" mai laushi ne, ulun ulu ko auduga mai laushi wanda yawanci yana da shimfida ko ɗan ɗaga sama. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani yanki na tufafi, kamar riga ko fanjama, wanda aka yi daga wannan masana'anta. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "flannel" don kwatanta nau'in kayan wanki ko tawul da aka yi daga masana'anta mai laushi mai laushi. A wasu mahallin, ana kuma amfani da kalmar "flannel" don kwatanta zance ko hali na rashin gaskiya ko rashin gaskiya.

Sentence Examples

  1. From a different angle, I noticed a corner of white barely sticking out of the left pocket of her flannel shirt.
  2. The rolled-up sleeves of his flannel shirt showed arms peppered with bruises on reddened skin.
  3. She pulled a heavy flannel robe on over her dress and tried to blow some warmth into her cupped hands.
  4. He wore a flannel shirt and jeans with a tear over the thigh, the white of his pocket showing through the denim.
  5. I searched for a piece of a flannel shirt untouched by the falling sleet or the embarrassing crash to the ground and wiped them dry.
  6. I shifted again, and realized that my head was resting on something that felt like denim, or maybe it was flannel it was firm, far firmer than a pillow or a cushion, but welcoming to my tear-swollen head.
  7. The majority of them held rifles and shotguns and wore flannel or camouflage.
  8. Maybe he had, or maybe I was so accustomed to seeing him in his crisp uniform, the faded flannel shirt and jeans looked odd on him.
  9. I dug it out and handed it over, then Robert passed forward his bloody flannel button down.
  10. She was still in her flannel pajamas, pink with tiny roses.