English to hausa meaning of

Akwai ƴan ma'anoni daban-daban na kalmar "fey," dangane da mahallin. Ga guda uku da suka fi kowa yawa: Ba da ra'ayi na zama na allahntaka ko na duniya; samun wani m, sufi ko m inganci. Misali: "Dajin da daddare yana da yanayi mai ban tsoro wanda ya sa ni cikin damuwa." kaddara ta taɓa shi ta hanyar da ke nuna tasirin allahntaka. Misali: "Idanun tsohuwa na da kyalkyali a gare su wanda ya sa na yi zargin cewa ta fi mai tsiro kawai." batu na wauta ko tashi. Misali: "Yaran sun yi rawa a kusa da lambun, dariyarsu tana ta murna da farin ciki." na uku shine mafi yawan magana kuma ana amfani dashi a cikin tattaunawar yau da kullun.


  1. elfin

Sentence Examples

  1. The Fey were generally considered to be the perverts of the paranormal world.
  2. The lesser fey pixies, leprechauns, trolls, goblins, those sorts, would mount you in a heartbeat if you let them.
  3. One theory has them evolving alongside us but where we advanced in groups, banding together to become stronger, the fey morphed out of those outcast predators who were too wild for a pack.
  4. As any sensible person, fey or otherwise, would do when being stared down by a man with murder in his eyes, the creature turned tail and ran.
  5. Beyond the dais, I spied Morag, the disappearing tour guide from Tantallon, as well as the White Lady and a few of the child-stealing fey.
  6. Robert coming home with fey blood smeared across his neck had not helped matters.
  7. Then, a Fire Elemental conceived of a way to sell fey stones to the masses normally, a fey stone will only burn in the presence of its caster, but this enterprising individual spent decades studying the spell and determined which materials would cause the light to burn for years.
  8. They never, ever would be, being that it took months, or years, for a Mundane to learn even simple spells like the casting of a fey stone.
  9. Myths tell of these talented Sidhe coming to Ireland where they flung about their magic and generally wrecked havoc until the aggrieved locals fought back and forced the fey to retreat into their raths, holy shrines now known as fairy mounds.