English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "elfin" ita ce:siffa:(na mutum, yawanci mace ko yaro) ƙanana da taushi, yawanci tare da a mischievous or lively expression.na ko dangantaka da elves; mai fara'a ko mai ban mamaki. "Yarinyar tana da fuskar elfin da lumshe idanu." Littafin ya cika da tatsuniyoyi na halittun elfin da dazuzzukan dazuzzuka.”

Sentence Examples

  1. He spent two days speaking with the elfin shopkeeper and his surly son, asking them if they had ever felt any malevolent spirits or evil miasmas, or if they had noticed any feelings of dread or unexplained weakness.
  2. With the sun making her already strikingly blonde hair look as if it was streaked with silver, her pale delicate skin and elfin features, you could be forgiven for thinking she was some exquisite woodland creature.
  3. The glory of its elfin physique had rotted into a hunched, bony carcass with gaping wounds in its stomach.
  4. Cam felt that he stuck out like a sore, elfin thumb.
  5. Her hair must have been blond before it became matted with gore, her nose a little bit pointed, her ears slightly elfin.
  6. Elfin thoughts must have exaggerated and enlarged everything, he said.
  7. Though his features were elfin, his attire was not.