English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “feature” na iya samun ma’anoni ƙamus da yawa, gami da: Siffa ta musamman ko wani abu. Misali: Daya daga cikin mahimman abubuwan wannan wayar salula shine tsawon rayuwar batir. Misali: Babban abin da ya fi daukar hankali a zanen shi ne yadda ya yi amfani da launuka masu kauri. Misali: Siffar murfin mujalla ta wannan watan, wani bayani ne mai zurfi na shahararren mawakin nan. Misali: Mafi kyawun fasalinta shine idanuwanta shuɗi masu haske. Misali: Fim ɗin da aka gabatar a daren yau, fitaccen fim ɗin Hollywood ne daga 1950s.A matsayin fi’ili, “siffa” na nufin ba da fifiko ko mahimmanci ga wani abu, ko haɗa wani abu. a matsayin fitaccen ko muhimmin sashi na wani abu dabam. Misali: Sabon baje kolin gidan kayan gargajiya zai ƙunshi kayan tarihi da yawa da ba kasafai ba daga tsoffin wayewa.

Sentence Examples

  1. After all, if Dryden was marking out the date of a crime in Leeds or the wider Yorkshire region, it would definitely feature in the Yorkshire Post.
  2. I had driven to Birmingham for a journalism conference and took some side trips to compile into a feature for the Martin Luther King Jr.
  3. The main feature of the restaurant is a curved wall of glass.
  4. I went ahead and added a feature so there will be slight fluctuations to make it appear more realistic.
  5. His photograph, which was hung with those of the rest of the members at the Reform Club, was minutely examined, and it betrayed, feature by feature, the description of the robber which had been provided to the police.
  6. In every nightmare, the only clear feature was the glowing violet eyes.
  7. glared and disengaged the video feature before returning the phone to his ear.
  8. It would make a good feature in a streetscape postcard too, were it not for that ostentatious monstrosity of a house next door, with its oversized windows, grey stone quoining and tiled front yard a house built with an abundance of cash and a paucity of style.
  9. The walls cream with a red flowered feature wall in the living room.