English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "haɓaka" ita ce:(adjective) Ma'anar ƙamus zuwa mafi tsari, mafi girma, ko mafi kyawun yanayi.Cikakken girma ko balagagge, kamar a cikin ci gaban jiki, tunani, ko haɓakawa. Samun ingantaccen tsarin ababen more rayuwa, tattalin arziki, da tsarin zamantakewa. ; not primitive or rudimentary.(fi'ili)Don sa wani abu ya girma ko ya zama mafi ci gaba ko tsari. Don fadadawa. ko inganta wani abu ta hanyar ƙara sabbin abubuwa ko iyawa. Don fitar da damar ko iyawar wani abu a ɓoye; don gane cikakken iyawarsa.

Sentence Examples

  1. He seemed to have misattributed her unwillingness to marry him to a highly developed sense of House devotion on her part.
  2. They walk past the gates, Paula explaining that the marina was built by a José Calero in the 1980s, and developed into an exclusive community of expensive hotels and large houses.
  3. It is time for me to return to sea, despite the aversion I seem to have developed for the very idea.
  4. A local tycoon developed the site without the necessary permissions, tunnelling into the side of a volcano underneath an existing bodega.
  5. His eyes were blue, his complexion rubicund, his figure almost portly and well-built, his body muscular, and his physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger days.
  6. Their masons had developed an ingenuous form of construction that entailed spaces left between walls so that warm air from basement furnaces would rise up, heating the rooms above without the smoke troubling the inhabitants.
  7. Shortly before Pennsylvania had become a state, my ancestors developed the sheltered land where the Finnulia River emptied into Crilly Lake at the base of the Wharton Mountains.
  8. He developed advantageous connections within House Mallay and House Rolland, gathering all the data he could find.
  9. It had also been heated by a massive fireplace that had belched smoke out at the officers, guaranteeing that every last one of them developed deep, throaty coughs during the winter.
  10. The two of them had developed a relationship of mutual respect and even affection.