English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "haka" ita ce lokacin da ya wuce na kalmar fi'ili "dill," wanda ke nufin yin rami ko buɗe wani abu ta amfani da rawar soja ko makamancin haka. Hakanan yana iya nufin koya ko horar da wani akai-akai a cikin wata fasaha ko wani fanni, ko yin aiki ko maimaita wani abu domin ya ƙware a kansa. A fagen horar da sojoji, “dillace” na iya komawa ga aikin horar da sojoji a atisaye daban-daban, motsi, da kuma salo daban-daban don inganta horo da shirye-shiryen yaki.

Sentence Examples

  1. When I looked up at her, her gaze drilled into mine.
  2. It was the truth her mother and father had drilled it into her head to work hard for her earnings and never take what is not yours.
  3. Georgie drilled him with an exasperated look and finally he quit dodging.
  4. The holes for the shaped charges and squibs are drilled and concealed.
  5. A nudge to chase our purpose beyond the bounds of the framework drilled into our being for the past many years of education.
  6. Nell had drilled it into me so often it was inconceivable to assume otherwise.
  7. Aside from the other features he already noted when he first looked at the item, he also noticed that there was a small hole drilled through the middle of it.
  8. More likely she had flattened herself against the side of the building next to one of the windows, or was hiding in a closet in another room, ear pressed against a peephole she had previously drilled into the meeting chambers.
  9. He drilled his eyeballs into her and coerced eye contact.
  10. Their hull had a hole drilled through the bottom that was plugged from the inside.