English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "credit" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita, amma wasu ma'anoni gama gari sune: Amincewa ko amincewa ga iyawar mutum ko amincin kuɗi. . Kaddamar da gudummawar mutum ko shigar da wani abu. iya siyan kaya ko ayyuka tare da yarjejeniyar biyan su daga baya.Ganewa ko yabo don yin wani abu mai kyau ko cimma wani abu.Gaba ɗaya, "credit" yana nufin sifa ko aiki mai kyau ko kima da aka gane ko aka ba shi ta wata hanya.

Sentence Examples

  1. He was recommended by the Barings, with whom he had an open credit.
  2. To his credit, Brower did have the courtesy to follow up once Kitt was arrested.
  3. Lights were on in the Bellingham Credit Union, a separate business at the front of the store.
  4. I rented a car, determined not to care that I was driving up the credit card I worked so hard to clean out, and drove over to Eureka Springs first thing in the morning.
  5. The young woman was placed in one of the waiting-rooms of the station, whilst Passepartout was charged with purchasing for her various articles of toilet, a dress, shawl, and some furs for which his master gave him unlimited credit.
  6. Of course, he gets all the credit, but then what would I have added to the story?
  7. Evan had to give Sintian credit for stopping him getting his nose cut off by the Psyking.
  8. He follows my gaze and to his credit reads my mind instantly.
  9. After she left, I noticed Jessica drumming her fingers on the credit card machine.
  10. To her credit, she bows her head into her book and ignores Blair.