English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "gudumawa" ita ce bayar da gudummawa ko yin wani abu, yawanci kuɗi ko albarkatu, ga wata manufa ta gama gari ko don amfanin wasu. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga ɓangaren da mutum ko abu ya taka wajen kawo sakamako ko sakamako. Bugu da ƙari, gudummawar na iya komawa ga aikin ba da gudummawar wani abu, kamar rubutaccen aiki ko zane, zuwa babban aiki ko ƙoƙarin gamayya.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Bandalas make a significant contribution to the community.
  2. Proud of her contribution to the long mission, the mare paces sedately alongside her pensive master, never losing her footing as the night nears dawn.
  3. Complete silence about his contribution to Greek literature.
  4. If it makes you feel any better, I can assure you that I will be making a significant contribution from the back blocks here.
  5. Immediately Jill did away with the contribution of food for the guardians.
  6. They said it was their contribution to the neighborhood brunch.
  7. It seemed like a perfect fit and an opportunity for me to make a significant contribution.
  8. I offer this story with all sincerity as a contribution to raising awareness of the vital issue of corruption and its effects on the environment, an issue that affects not just Lanzarote, but the whole world.
  9. The Arcanon fought swiftly, their experience in battle a welcome contribution to our efforts.
  10. Despite his steady contribution to the island, there was a nomadic quality to him I could never quite understand, as if there were a string that pulled at him to leave.