English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “bangare” na iya samun ma’anoni daban-daban dangane da mahallin. Ga wasu ma’anoni gama gari na ƙamus na kalmar:Noun: Pieces ko sassan wani abu mafi girma. Misali: Injin motar yana da rikitattun sassa da yawa. Misali: Kamfanoni daban-daban ne ke kera sassan kwamfutar. Misali: Ta yi sauraren sashin jarumar wasan kwaikwayo. Misali: Ya raba gashin kansa a hankali. Misali: Abokan sun rabu bayan bikin. Misali: Ya raba abincinsa da abokinsa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Simple in design, the main parts of the farmhouse face away from the road in favour of the view of the coast towards Arrieta, the front wall containing a little used entrance door and two small windows.
  2. We both sang along during different parts, and I took a few minutes to study the inside of his truck.
  3. The only parts of me that are generating warmth are my burns, my shoulder and my calf.
  4. My logical brain, the one not attached to lower body parts, slaps me hard, waking me from my lurid thoughts.
  5. Gloria, who has her back to me, is absorbed instructing her grandfather as to what parts of a flamingo she wants cutting out.
  6. Evan saw one girl firing flame tipped arrows at a crowd of fiends, whilst another lobbed grenade after grenade at the minions, causing electric explosions which sent body parts everywhere.
  7. She had cordless extensions in other parts of the home and her cell phone, but she preferred her kitchen have a touch of the past.
  8. The village looks as it does on any other day, aside from the moisture on the parts of the road still in shade.
  9. But to whom could the common people in other parts of the realm turn?
  10. He remembered the young days as an elven boy playing with those that were now no more than husks and body parts.