English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na ƙunshe shine aiki ko manufar hana faɗaɗa ko yaɗuwar wani tasiri mai illa, kamar cuta ko makamin nukiliya, ta hanyar kiyaye shi cikin ƙayyadaddun yanki ko yanayi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin kiyaye wani abu ƙarƙashin iko ko cikin iyaka, ko iyawa ko sarari a cikin wani abu don riƙewa ko adanawa.

Sentence Examples

  1. No, he would be sent back to the containment facility with Jackos, where he was sure that he would die.
  2. They kept him in containment for a week where they questioned him mercilessly.
  3. We make a profit on buying the bodies out of the justice and containment facilities and training them, and then we make another round of profit selling them to the Ministry.
  4. We buy these kids from the justice processing companies or the containment companies at a factored discount to what the companies would get from the government over time.
  5. As the situation slowly settled into containment, with most gang members either restrained or dashing off into the darkness, the last two boys were roughly pulled apart by four cops.
  6. If you win, take me to your bunker or whatever containment is.
  7. According to witnesses, alarms sounded, and automatic containment procedures were activated.
  8. Explosive and biohazard teams are in place with cell phone jamming equipment and containment units for the bodies.
  9. Deep within the thick-wall concrete containment dome next door, motors whirred.
  10. Containment was no longer possible, but at least they knew what was coming.