English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “watsawa” ita ce yaɗuwa ko watsewa ko’ina, ko kuma sanya wani abu ya ragu ko mai tsanani. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu da ba a bayyana ba ko mai da hankali, ko kuma ga wani abu mai magana ko magana. A matsayin sifa, “watsawa” na iya siffanta wani abu da aka baje ko kuma ya tarwatse, ko kuma wani abu da ba a bayyana ba ko mai da hankali. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu da ke da kalmomi ko tsayi ta hanyar da ke da wuyar fahimta.

Sentence Examples

  1. I can hardly imagine the young man whom I saw talking with you the other day could express himself so well, if left quite to his own powers, and yet it is not the style of a woman no, certainly, it is too strong and concise not diffuse enough for a woman.
  2. A red streak shot up, and a rosy light seemed to diffuse itself through the room.
  3. I had Aranath in front of me, but he could not completely diffuse the electrifying effects.
  4. I hurried over, hoping to diffuse the situation before the pleasant mood of this Sunday morning was disturbed.
  5. There were ways in wizardry to disguise and diffuse this emanation, making it difficult to be located.
  6. Junjie lost balance, arms and hands raised reflexively, palms outward, trying to diffuse the light and leaning back onto the balls of his feet.
  7. As butterflies diffuse lingering bad thought, buntings sweep up the residue.
  8. Usually, Quinn backed away to diffuse the situation, gave a little space to avoid getting a lot of knuckles in his mouth.
  9. Our experts will diffuse and confuse any reports that do not fit the story.
  10. Light spilled in, grey and diffuse, from broken skylights.