English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "confetti" ƙananan takarda ne masu launi, yawanci ana jefawa a lokacin bukukuwa kamar bukukuwan aure, faretin, da kuma bukukuwa. Har ila yau Confetti na iya komawa zuwa ƙananan abubuwa ko barbashi waɗanda suka warwatse cikin irin wannan salon zuwa guntun takarda, kamar masu rafi, kyalkyali, ko ƙananan alewa. Kalmar "confetti" ta fito daga kalmar Italiyanci "confetto," wanda ke nufin "karamin zaki."

Sentence Examples

  1. Hundreds of red, white, and blue balloons and a blizzard of confetti floated down from the ceiling.
  2. When Al stepped up to the aircraft, he turned to the crowd and waved, hamming it up while thinking of the age-old tradition of cheering and throwing confetti when a cruise ship leaves the dock.
  3. Lovely women, yielding to the influence of the scene, bend over their balconies, or lean from their windows, and shower down confetti, which are returned by bouquets the air seems darkened with the falling confetti and flying flowers.
  4. Envelopes, magazines, and advertisements flew into the air like confetti.
  5. Kids were throwing confetti around so that it coated the concrete floor.
  6. He rose in his turn, and seizing handfuls of confetti and sweetmeats, with which the carriage was filled, cast them with all the force and skill he was master of.
  7. The room was a bright burst of color, like confetti was suspended in time and space around us.
  8. From every street and every corner drove carriages filled with clowns, harlequins, dominoes, mummers, pantomimists, Transteverins, knights, and peasants, screaming, fighting, gesticulating, throwing eggs filled with flour, confetti, nosegays, attacking, with their sarcasms and their missiles, friends and foes, companions and strangers, indiscriminately, and no one took offence, or did anything but laugh.
  9. A handful of confetti that came from a neighboring carriage, and which, while it covered Morcerf and his two companions with dust, pricked his neck and that portion of his face uncovered by his mask like a hundred pins, incited him to join in the general combat, in which all the masks around him were engaged.