English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "zuwa" shine aikin isowa a wani wuri ko al'amari, ko kusancin wani lokaci ko wani lamari a gaba. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga fara wanzuwa ko bayyana, ko bayyana ko bayyananne. Ƙari ga haka, ana iya amfani da “zuwa” a matsayin sifa don siffanta wani abu da ke gabatowa ko ya kusa.


  1. advent

Sentence Examples

  1. The sheriff trusts nothing coming from you right now.
  2. Guards were still coming out the doors and several people stopped to talk to me as I went in.
  3. Still more people were coming downstairs and in the other elevators, spilling out into the hall, all staring.
  4. I knew it already, of course, but it was horrible beyond belief to hear those words coming from the mouth of a stranger.
  5. She sagged against it, her breath coming in short sharp gasps.
  6. Nana D and I chatted for another hour despite not coming to any specific conclusions.
  7. As no sorcery was coming to him, Evan decided to focus tenfold on weaponry.
  8. The latest weather report mentioned another blizzard from the north in the coming days.
  9. I could sense a work-related lecture coming a mile off.
  10. Nothing looked out of place, except the unusual lack of people coming into work, and I knew that was down to most of the guards having gone after the wyvern.

TV Series Examples



Tell Bran he's coming too.



lf he's coming this far north...



The dark is coming for all of us.



But he's coming right now, down our road.