English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "codex" ita ce:Noun:Rubutun hannu, littafi, ko takarda da aka rubuta da hannu akan takarda, papyrus, ko makamancin haka. abu, sabanin yadda ake bugawa. Littafi, yawanci na tsohon ko na zamani, a rubuce da hannu, musamman wanda ke da shafuka masu ɗaure. Tsarin ko tarin dokoki ko ka'idoji. A cikin ilmin kimiya na kayan tarihi, saitin shingen yumbu masu alaƙa da suka zo daga jirgin ruwa ɗaya ko rukuni na tasoshin kuma an sake gina su don bayyana ainihin nau'in jirgin.Lura: Kalmar “codex” ana yawan amfani da ita wajen yin la’akari da tsoffin rubuce-rubucen rubuce-rubucen rubuce-rubuce na da ko na zamani, amma kuma ana iya amfani da ita a faɗin wajen yin nuni ga duk wata takarda da aka rubuta da hannu ko tarin dokoki ko ƙa’idoji, ko kuma a cikin mahallin archaeological don komawa zuwa gare shi. tukwane da aka sake ginawa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Var-Imar watched as a battle wing of Codex fighters sought to approach the fleet from underneath, only to be shredded by Lycian oval-shaped Aculea fighters.
  2. As it approached, a sortie of V-shaped Codex all-purpose fighter craft flew out of the landing bay and took up positions under the khâl.
  3. As Dominion retreated, Codex fighters were quickly gaining the upper hand against the significantly outnumbered Lycians.
  4. Instead, Dominion recalled her Codex fighters and continued to accelerate toward the center of the solar system.
  5. His Codex fighters were nearly in range of the enemy ships and would begin their attack in moments.
  6. The Codex fighters were joined by a dozen more, plus several fighter-bombers.
  7. Green lights began to erupt from Defiant as its automated defense systems targeted the approaching Codex fighters.
  8. A tactical officer warned Var-Imar that Sahiradin torpedo ships and their Codex fighter escorts were making a run.
  9. After surviving the threat of the fighter-bombers, Challenger and her support craft quickly cleared the nearby space of Codex fighters and began to turn in the direction of Dominion.