English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "da hankali" ita ce: ta hanyar da ke nuna wayewa da fahimtar ji na wasu; ta hanyar da wani abu ya shafa ko kuma ya yi tasiri cikin sauƙi; ta hanyar da ake yi da lallashi ko kulawa.

Sentence Examples

  1. He glanced at the hand that held the brand, noticing the cunning delicacy of the fingers that gripped it, how they adjusted themselves to all the inequalities of the surface, curling over and under and about the rough wood, and one little finger, too close to the burning portion of the brand, sensitively and automatically writhing back from the hurtful heat to a cooler gripping-place and in the same instant he seemed to see a vision of those same sensitive and delicate fingers being crushed and torn by the white teeth of the she-wolf.
  2. When it raised its head, pricked its ears and sniffed at the air, he saw how sensitively it was tuned to its surroundings.