English to hausa meaning of

Bisa ga ƙamus, kalmar “clinking” sifa ce ko sifa ce ta fi’ili “clink”, kuma tana iya samun ma’anoni kamar haka: Samar da ko yin sauti mai kaifi, na ƙarfe kamar na gilashi ko abubuwan ƙarfe masu buguwa ko haɗuwa da juna. Misalin jumla: Sautin gilasai na giyar ya cika iska yayin da baƙi ke gayyata ga ma'auratan masu farin ciki. na gilashi ko ƙarfe abubuwa masu bugu ko haɗuwa da juna. Misalin jumla: Ana iya jin murƙushe kayan azurfa yayin da ma'aikatan gidan abincin suka shirya teburin cin abincin dare. wanda a cikinsa ake amfani da shi, kuma ana ba da shawarar koyaushe a koma ga ingantaccen ƙamus don ingantacciyar ma’anar kalmomi da na zamani.

Sentence Examples

  1. Police were approaching, their heavy-footed belt clinking alerted him, radio static filled the air agitating the corpses more.
  2. He moved more boisterously, pushing the items on the dresser about and clinking them into the mirror until his actions were interrupted by a loud shriek.
  3. Weekends at home she found herself smiling, thinking about clever tools made from flecks of steel, parts clinking into aluminum pans, or the motions of tattooed stringy arms.
  4. I glanced around to see where the noise was coming from, but after a few seconds, the clinking changed into sort of tearing.
  5. They carefully deposited it on the ground, something inside clinking as it came to rest.
  6. The ice on top drifted along, clinking against the glass.
  7. I saw a figure move through the shadows next to the three men with bracelets, and I heard the clinking of something like metal.
  8. Clinking and scraping sounds of metal on metal came from the lock, making Lyra cringe at each motion of the needle until it hit a metal object within the lock.
  9. It was the darkest one who approached me, and when I tried to move, the clinking weight of chains alerted me to my situation.
  10. Thankfully, the heavens answered with a loud pop coming from the kitchen and a faint clinking of glasses.