English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tsabta" shine kawar da ƙazanta ko ƙazanta, don tsarkakewa, ko tsaftacewa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin cire guba ko wasu abubuwa masu cutarwa daga jiki ta hanyar takamaiman abinci ko tsari. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "tsabta" a alamance don bayyana tsarin tsarkakewa ko kawar da tunani, motsin rai, ko halaye mara kyau ko maras so.


  1. clean

Sentence Examples

  1. The great warrior was bound by oath to kill the Honorless, only their blood would cleanse his.
  2. I assumed Nancy had given it to him to help cleanse her soul.
  3. Without anyone to tell her otherwise, this seemed like the most logical way to cleanse her soiled weapon.
  4. Mind you, I cannot cleanse such corruption, but even if I could, I would advise against it.
  5. In fact, if she thought about it, he had been so inclined even prior to the Cleanse, but that was long behind them and made no difference now.
  6. Dreary and chilly as it was, the moisture felt good against her skin, as if it might cleanse away the stain of her thoughts.
  7. I had destroyed this place now the fae would cleanse it.
  8. The mundane task of washing was relaxing it was a real luxury to be able to cleanse herself of the hardships her body had endured.
  9. The Highest knew she would never intrude without reason, but since the Cleanse, he had taken every opportunity he could to remind her of her place.
  10. It was almost too hot to bathe in, but it would cleanse Frigg of her old life in a ceremony every girl dreamt of, and one Sigyn would never be like to know herself.