English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tsabta" ita ce kawar da datti, datti, ko abubuwan da ba'a so daga wani abu, ko don yin wani abu daga datti, alama, ko tabo. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yanayin rashin ƙazanta, alamomi, ko tabo, ko ga wani abu da bai gurɓata ko ƙazanta ba. Tsabta kuma na iya nufin tsaftar ɗabi'a ko marar laifi, ko kuma zama mai gaskiya da fayyace cikin ayyukan mutum ko mu'amalarsa. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa lissafin lafiya mai tsafta, ma'ana ya kuɓuta daga cuta ko rashin lafiya. A cikin sãɓãwar launukansa, "tsabta" kuma na iya nufin samun nasarar cin gwajin magani.

Sentence Examples

  1. I screamed at them, dignity going clean out the window.
  2. Any hope of not drawing attention to myself had gone clean out the window.
  3. An hour later Gettelung returned and as he led her out of the kitchen he explained that Novices were expected to clean as well without using sorcery, to build character.
  4. Kay looked like he was avoiding my eyes, and gave me privacy to go and clean myself up in the bathroom.
  5. And he jumped, clean through the newly shattered doors.
  6. As they lifted me clean off the ground, blind panic took over.
  7. An escort will take you to the bathrooms in order to clean yourself up.
  8. You no longer have to clean, but neither do you have to help train anyone else.
  9. And if they did, it was programmed to wipe itself clean.
  10. Working in a diner would prevent a clean and spiffy appearance.

TV Series Examples



Go clean yourselves up!



l gave him a clean death.



Give me a good, clean death any day.



Yes, you'll clean his clothes.



Let her clean your wound,