English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "certified" ita ce an gane ta a hukumance ko kuma an tabbatar da ita azaman cika ƙayyadaddun ƙa'ida ko buƙatu. Yawancin lokaci yana nuna cewa mutum ko wani abu sun yi aikin tantancewa ko kimantawa don sanin cewa sun cika takamaiman sharudda ko cancanta. Ana iya amfani da kalmar a wurare daban-daban, kamar takaddun shaida na ƙwararru, takaddun ingancin samfur, da takaddun shaida na doka. Ainihin, kalmar “certified” tana nuna cewa wani abu ko wani an ɗauka a matsayin abin dogaro, amintacce, ko cancanta ta wata hukuma ko ƙungiya da aka sani.

Sentence Examples

  1. Beyond the basic economics were all of the challenges to actually producing organic cotton, without typical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides on certified, uncontaminated land not close to the spraying of other crops, etc.
  2. Just like in the sea that spread out in front of them, which he certified by quickly scanning it.
  3. I never went around chasing after virgins like some guys, who, in my book, were certified shitbags to begin with.
  4. Maxwell, out of Cheyenne, Wyoming, is an IFR certified private pilot, speaks bits and pieces of ten languages, surfs, skis, sails and scuba dives.
  5. Tex-ray was also arranging and paying for the land to be certified as organic.
  6. She graduated high school at fourteen, college at sixteen, and was now a certified hiber-pod technician.
  7. Before the middle of the next day, he was at Hartfield and he entered the room with such an agreeable smile as certified the continuance of the scheme.
  8. Certified Master Instructor, senior Range Safety Officer, all that.