English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "nishadi" tana da alaƙa da ko nuna ayyukan da aka yi don jin daɗi lokacin da mutum baya aiki. Yana nufin ayyukan da ake bi don annashuwa, nishaɗi, ko jin daɗi, maimakon don kowace manufa mai mahimmanci ko a aikace. Misalan ayyukan nishaɗi sun haɗa da wasa, wasanni, ko kayan kida, karanta littattafai, kallon fina-finai, ko ba da lokaci a waje.

Sentence Examples

  1. Time off was limited for the recruits, but there was still some opportunity to engage in recreational activities.
  2. Markis sped up, taking the turn into the recreational complex in a skidding screech.
  3. Food, yes, but hardly any cigarettes, drink, and certainly no recreational drugs.
  4. It was a small private marina with just three sailboats, two recreational motorboats, and a weathered wooden dinghy tied to the dock.
  5. However, it turned out to be more of a recreational drug, was mildly addictive, and killed about one percent of those who tried it.
  6. On closer inspection she had to call it a house, because there was nothing recreational about it.
  7. Once he had his fingers back to normal, he headed for a recreational room in Castle-Coterie.
  8. You can heal the inconsequential injuries I sustained during my recreational bout with your friend here.
  9. Outside of these, the west side made up the recreational and business arms of the community, the Community house and Post Office, churches, playground, bath house, and beach.