English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "cab" tana da ma'anoni da yawa a cikin harshen Ingilishi. Ga wasu ma’anoni da aka fi sani da su:(noun) taxi ko karusar da direba, da ake amfani da ita wajen sufuri(noun) bangaren mota ko tarakta da ke ɗauke da direba da fasinja (suna) ƙaramin ɗaki, yawanci tare da kofa da rufi, ana amfani da su don matsuguni ko ajiya wani kayan daki da ake amfani da shi don ajiya ko nuni(taƙaice) gajere don "cabernet," wani nau'in jan giya da aka yi da inabin cabernet. sani idan kuna buƙatar ƙarin bayani akan ɗayan waɗannan ma'anoni.

Sentence Examples

  1. Master and man then descended, the street-door was double-locked, and at the end of Saville Row they took a cab and drove rapidly to Charing Cross.
  2. The driver had climbed out of the left door of the cab, which now faced the sky.
  3. Fogg, Aouda, and Passepartout left the Custom House without delay, got into a cab, and in a few moments descended at the station.
  4. The cab came to a stop in front of my apartment building.
  5. Phileas Fogg, thus kidnapped, without having time to think, left his house, jumped into a cab, promised a hundred pounds to the cabman, and, having run over two dogs and overturned five carriages, reached the Reform Club.
  6. The cab stopped before the railway station at twenty minutes past eight.
  7. Top soil and mud piled up against the roof of the cab as it slid to a stop.
  8. Eventually, the song Love Who You Love filled the cab, but halfway through the song, he gave me a tight smile and ejected the CD.
  9. A man pumps gas at a self-service, a canoe propped up in the cab of his truck.
  10. And now here I was, in a cab on a Monday afternoon with my personal items in a box on my lap.