English to hausa meaning of

A cewar ƙamus, kalmar “cortex” tana nufin ɓangaren waje na gaba ko tsarin jiki, musamman ma kwakwalwa. Kullin kwakwalwa yana da alhakin ayyuka masu girma da yawa, ciki har da sani, tunani, ƙwaƙwalwa, da harshe. Hakanan ana amfani da kalmar "cortex" don komawa zuwa saman saman sauran gabobin, kamar glandar adrenal ko koda. Gabaɗaya, cortex na kowace gaɓa shine Layer na nama wanda yake kusa da saman kuma yana da alhakin ayyukan farko na gabobin.

Sentence Examples

  1. A three-dimensional holo appeared to superimpose itself over the scene before him, an illusion his nanos were piping into his visual cortex.
  2. There seemed to be a slight movement-a feeble vibration of various regions of the cerebral cortex, including the medial temporal lobe.
  3. Our outside and often thin and fanciful clothes are our epidermis, or false skin, which partakes not of our life, and may be stripped off here and there without fatal injury our thicker garments, constantly worn, are our cellular integument, or cortex but our shirts are our liber or true bark, which cannot be removed without girdling and so destroying the man.