English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "m" ita ce: Mummunan tashin hankali ko rashin tausayi. rashin wani ƙoƙari na ɓoye rashin jin daɗi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Evan saw more demons up ahead, hanging from the castle windows, scuttling along its black walls like giant spiders, capering across its battlements in brutal bliss.
  2. My eyes closed again, wanting to forget the brutal violence caused by my hands.
  3. His eyelids started fluttering just as brutal hands clamped onto my shoulders.
  4. Wheeling the heavier man round with a brutal grip on his shoulder, he had delivered an accurate and teeth-cracking punch.
  5. Before his feet were secured in the stirrups he had forced the mare to a brutal gallop.
  6. He had yellow eyes and brutal, smashed features composed mainly of a low-hanging brow.
  7. Abnormally pale blue eyes stared out of a brutal face.
  8. They all turned to see a man standing at the entrance of the cavern, a man with a brutal face and long silver hair.
  9. But there was a world of difference between that and a brutal murder right here at headquarters.
  10. The bite wound on his calf had been cut out in a brutal manner, but there was more to this disease.