English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "akwati" shine sanya wani abu a cikin akwati, yawanci akwati, don ajiya ko sufuri. Hakanan yana iya nufin rufewa ko kewaye wani abu tare da akwati ko tsari makamancin haka. A ma’ana ta alama, “akwatin” na iya nufin kamewa ko iyakancewa ta wata hanya, kamar kama shi a cikin ƙaramin sarari ko ƙuntatawa ta ƙa’idodi ko ƙa’idodi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Richard had blocked his entrance to the city, forced him to Blackfriars, and then ensured he was boxed inside an effective trap.
  2. She and Sant ate boxed chow mein, too entwined with Dryden to close the shutters on his dreadful fate.
  3. Eifort moved over to where the captain stood, talking rapidly as he boxed up the last of some cabling.
  4. No sooner had I shoved Robert into the changing room than the saleslady reappeared, boxed boots in hand.
  5. The land stretched to the sky until mountains boxed them in like a pair of hands cradling them between its palms, like a child cradles a glowworm.
  6. My face looked like I boxed ten rounds with Mike Tyson.
  7. The image was a pentagram boxed in by a square, and in the center of the pentagram was what appeared to be an eye.
  8. Sant knew the bulk of the answers would be packaged together, boxed and locked out of sight.
  9. Buildings boxed in the lot on all four sides two high-rise office buildings guarding one entrance and looking grotesquely out of place next to the other, quaint two-stories around them.
  10. I boxed up my hubcaps, picking out my favorites from the ones still hanging on my bedroom walls.