English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "damp" yana ɗan ɗanɗano, ɗanɗano, ko ɗanɗano. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga abin da bai bushe gaba ɗaya ba, ko kuma wanda ɗanshi ya shafa ta wata hanya. Bugu da ƙari, "damp" na iya nufin jin baƙin ciki, damuwa, ko rashin sha'awa.

Sentence Examples

  1. She was about to abandon her perch on the window ledge, becoming uncomfortably aware of the damp working its way through her wrap, when her eyes were arrested by a movement in the tree line.
  2. The ground is damp and rock strewn, the roof little more than head height.
  3. Hunched over, damp hair clinging to his temples, Edward tried to focus on the sheet on the board before him.
  4. Once again she unpinned her hair, letting the damp strands hang loose.
  5. After climbing into bed, I clung to my pillow and pressed a damp washcloth against my pounding forehead.
  6. She had to replace the roof, the game room floor and its walls of damp sheetrock that experienced water damage from the rain pouring through a very small hole.
  7. This summer had been unusually damp and gloomy, and it was cold outside.
  8. And scream, as I did when the pair of us shot into the sky, through a damp mass of cloud.
  9. He had turned his collar up and he walked with purpose, head bent, looking like any other Cearovan citizen hurrying to get inside, away from the damp chill.
  10. Jack, uncomfortably aware of the damp eking its way through his rain-sodden cloak, pulled it from his shoulders, shaking the water from it.