English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hanji" tana nufin gabobin jiki, musamman na hanji. Hakanan ana iya amfani da shi wajen siffanta mafi zurfi ko mafi zurfi na wani abu, kamar "hanjin duniya" yana nufin zurfin karkashin kasa ko "hanjin jirgi" yana nufin sassan ciki. A ma’ana ta alama, kalmar kuma tana iya komawa ga zurfafan motsin zuciyar mutum ko ji.

Sentence Examples

  1. The big room was thick with the smell of blood and ruptured bowels, of misery and despair.
  2. I notice Miguel beneath a hoist, working on the bowels of a van.
  3. Then all was peace, all friendship, all concord as yet the dull share of the crooked plough had not dared to rend and pierce the tender bowels of our first mother that without compulsion yielded from every portion of her broad fertile bosom all that could satisfy, sustain, and delight the children that then possessed her.
  4. Ensuring complete silence, she made her way into the bowels of the city.
  5. This narrow slit deep in the bowels of some ancient fortress long forgotten, its walls made of stone streaked with a rare metal that limits my wizardry powers, has counted with me many summers and winters passing.
  6. May no bowels of mercy To Sancho be granted, And thy Dulcinea Be left still enchanted, May thy falsehood to me Find its punishment in her, For in my land the just Often pays for the sinner.
  7. It breathed and moved with the land, its heart concealing a Seidr of its own, forever dormant, waiting forgotten in the bowels of the world.
  8. Cú Roí barked some orders and disappeared deep into the bowels of the Mayfield Station.
  9. Guadiana your squire, likewise bewailing your fate, was changed into a river of his own name, but when he came to the surface and beheld the sun of another heaven, so great was his grief at finding he was leaving you, that he plunged into the bowels of the earth however, as he cannot help following his natural course, he from time to time comes forth and shows himself to the sun and the world.
  10. What a heart of marble, what bowels of brass, what a soul of mortar!