English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bouncing" ita ce motsawa sama da ƙasa akai-akai, yawanci ta hanya mai kuzari ko kuzari. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yin wani abu na billa, kamar ƙwallon ƙafa ko marmaro. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "bouncing" don kwatanta mutumin da ke cike da kuzari, sha'awa, ko kuzari, kamar a cikin jumlar "jari mai bouncing." A ƙarshe, "bouncing" yana iya nufin korar wani ko cire wani ko wani abu da ƙarfi, kamar yadda a cikin jumlar "billa mai tayar da hankali daga ƙungiya."


  1. bounce

Sentence Examples

  1. Bouncing lightly, he gave me a come-hither gesture.
  2. With both of us packed, I scurried down the stairwell and out the door, bouncing on my heels as I waited for Hawke to catch up.
  3. As we started eating, Jessica came bouncing into the restaurant.
  4. John Bunsby had requested his passengers to go below but this imprisonment in so narrow a space, with little air, and the boat bouncing in the gale, was far from pleasant.
  5. Bouncing his grandson on his knee, he might ponder, the shortest distance between two points may be a straight line, but the path of progress, follows a more mysterious trail.
  6. Passepartout was wrapped in uneasy dreams of the bouncing of the day before.
  7. The pearls gently bouncing around her neck as she walked back to the table were an even nicer touch.
  8. When he peered out the window, he saw an army of ice balls bouncing off the castle walls and fields below.
  9. I can hear it bouncing around in that pathetic little mind of yours.
  10. Adam cried out, his corona flickering wildly before bouncing back to full strength.