English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bounce" ya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma ga wasu ma'anoni masu yiwuwa: off the ground. Don motsawa sama da ƙasa, yawanci a cikin yanayi mai daɗi ko raye-raye, kamar mutane suna rawa ko ɗan wasan ƙwallon kwando yana dribling.Don a ƙi ko mayar da su, irin waɗannan a matsayin check bouncing saboda rashin isassun kuɗi. Don korar ko tilastawa daga wuri, kamar bouncer bouncing a disruptive patron out of a club. Don murmurewa da sauri ko cikin sauƙi. daga koma baya, kamar mutum ya dawo daga rashin lafiya ko kuma kasuwanci ya dawo daga koma bayansa. /p>

Sentence Examples

  1. That thought added an extra bounce to his step, but also earned him more than his share of gripes every time he got in the way.
  2. The thought he should bounce to his feet as if nothing was wrong floated through his mind.
  3. With the adrenaline completely gone from her system, she felt every bounce and jarring movement.
  4. He began to bounce, until gaining enough height to jump.
  5. The woodfolk then all look uncertainly at each other and subside slowly to sit again apprehensively, ready to bounce back up at any moment.
  6. She stepped lively, with a bounce he would not have expected from someone of her years.
  7. Throughout the week, I worked with Dave to familiarize him with the economics and the possibilities of the business while giving him a chance to bounce his ideas off me.
  8. We were off as fast as we could manage, every bounce sending me a fresh jolt of pain.
  9. Alec sent out a strong pulse of energy, and she felt it bounce off her shield.
  10. I turned the toaster over, shook it, and watched my toast and six months of charred crumbs bounce on the counter top.