English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bincike" ita ce:"Aikin binciken wani abu ko wani; jarrabawa na yau da kullun ko na tsari ko bincike."A cikin mafi sauƙi, an bincike yana nufin tsarin tattara bayanai ko shaida don fahimtar wani yanayi ko matsala dalla-dalla. Wannan tsari yawanci ya ƙunshi a hankali da cikakken bincike, bincike, da bincike don tantance gaskiya, musabbabi, ko dalilan da ke bayan wani lamari ko al'amari. Ana iya gudanar da bincike don dalilai daban-daban, kamar don warware laifuka, tattara bayanai don bincike, ko tabbatar da sahihancin iƙirari ko magana.


  1. investigating

Sentence Examples

  1. And who was he kidding that the State Bureau of Investigation was helping him?
  2. This might be a murder investigation, but this is still college property.
  3. Should I abandon the investigation or jump in deeper to protect someone I knew?
  4. I updated her on my progression on the Abby Monroe investigation, excluding any fears about my father or the actual initials.
  5. With no one to leave instructions, we were at a complete loose end, turfed out of our old office, and most of the area was under investigation.
  6. I considered all his news and rationalized he had a solid theory about the investigation.
  7. Meanwhile, the bank would be closed indefinitely pending an investigation.
  8. It was exactly what the campus needed to keep its mind off the murder investigation.
  9. Every day a different one, every investigation a new opportunity to demonstrate my adeptness at enforcing the law.
  10. He rearranged some strings, removed others, taking care to erase all traces of his investigation of the House.