English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “bent” yana da ma’anoni ƙamus da yawa, waɗanda suka haɗa da: Hazaka ta halitta ko karkata ga wani abu; iyawa ko fasaha ta musamman. Misali: Ya kasance mai karkata zuwa ilmin lissafi. Misali: Ta kasance mai taurin kai ga 'yancin kai. Misali: Motar ta karkata don gujewa kaifi lankwasa a hanya. A matsayin sifa , "lankwasa" na iya nufin: Ba madaidaiciya ko lebur ba; mai lankwasa ko karkace. Misali: An lankwasa sandar karfe ba ta da siffa. Misali: Ta himmatu wajen kammala aikin a karshen mako. karkace. Misali: An tuhumi dan siyasar da rashin sanin yakamata. Misali: Ya fito yana mai karkata ga abokansa da danginsa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Inhaling deeply, she parted her hands, her right extending out to her side in a fluid motion as she bent her left at the elbow.
  2. When I bent over to pick it up, I felt something poke me through the little watch pocket on my jeans.
  3. The picture was startlingly lifelike, a perfect image of a boy, legs shoulder width apart, both knees bent, arms in front of him, slightly bent at the elbows, right arm extended in front of him at shoulder height, the other higher, near his face.
  4. She could feel him watching her out of the corner of his eye, and she knew in which direction his thoughts had bent.
  5. He had turned his collar up and he walked with purpose, head bent, looking like any other Cearovan citizen hurrying to get inside, away from the damp chill.
  6. Then he bent over double and all but fell off his chair.
  7. Irene never looks up, her head bent on her Blackberry.
  8. Fancy Pants across from me, his head still bent toward his laptop in engrossed concentration, lifts his right hand and snaps his fingers.
  9. Right up until the giant Dark-Venator bent over Ryan, grabbed his head in both hands and snapped his neck.