English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "fa'ida" suna ne da ke nufin wani abu da ke inganta ko inganta jin dadi; riba, riba, ko riba; ko alawus, kari, ko diyya. A matsayin fi’ili, “fa’ida” na nufin samun riba, riba, ko riba daga wani abu, ko samar da fa’ida, riba, ko riba ga wani ko wani abu.

Sentence Examples

  1. He could imagine one of two scenarios, and it would be to his benefit to uncover which theory, if either, was true.
  2. He battled an invisible opponent furiously, but Brooke could tell he was going slowly for her benefit.
  3. For the first time since my family died, I could see the benefit of having allies.
  4. He said the entire board wanted it to benefit the athletic facility.
  5. Dollars lining the pockets of developers while the ordinary locals see little benefit in wages and conditions.
  6. Emotions were a force, and she could gather that energy and use it to her benefit.
  7. It was much more to their benefit to use the Intentionists to spy on their enemies and protect their own interests, and even the most idealistic of Intentionists would be hard-pressed to deny a wealthy patron.
  8. Thus torn, he had decided to reap what immediate benefit he could from the information he had, and this decision brought him to the current conversation.
  9. It was to the benefit of the House as a whole to investigate whether the Elders, Moiria, and her father were deceiving everyone.
  10. I think I might benefit from the wind on my face but it does nothing for me.