English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na motsi shine adadin motsin jiki mai motsi, wanda aka auna shi azaman samfuri na girmansa da saurinsa. A cikin ƙarin sharuddan gabaɗaya, ƙuri'a na iya nufin kuzari ko ƙarfin tuƙi da mutum ko ƙungiya suka samu don cimma wata manufa ko manufa. Hakanan yana iya bayyana ƙarfi ko kuzari na wani yanayi ko abin da ya faru, da kuma yadda makamashin zai iya ci gaba ko haɓaka akan lokaci. A kimiyyar lissafi, momentum is a conserved quantity, ma'ana ba a halitta ko halaka, sai dai canja shi daga wannan abu zuwa wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. Shaking her head, words tumbled out of her in a torrent, gaining momentum.
  2. It banked hard, slowing its momentum enough for men to lower themselves to the ground with ropes.
  3. But Evan was frenzied, as the demon lifted him he used the momentum to head-butt the devil brutally, a split second beforehand using Anatomy magic to make his head hard as steel.
  4. This is the third occurrence of his favoritism in the last two months, which clearly explains why the petition to remove Ayrwick from office sooner than the end of this semester is gaining momentum.
  5. The wheel, turning on momentum, only came to rest after half a turn, rotating backwards a little before it came to a final stop.
  6. I keep moving, hoping the momentum will help me remain on my feet, and quickly slip the camera into my jacket pocket for safe keeping.
  7. The tiniest crack spiderwebbed across the pavement, but the momentum had already knocked open the window.
  8. Taking full advantage of her hesitation, I sprang a momentum filled roundhouse kick and sent her stumbling backwards.
  9. Momentum carried me onto my hands, where I stayed, heaving, until the urge to vomit passed.
  10. I kept on the offensive, afraid if they pushed me back, I would lose my momentum.