English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "belted" na iya dogara ne akan mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Anan akwai wasu ma'anoni masu yuwuwa:(fi'ili) Don ɗaure ko amintaccen bel. Misali: Ta ɗaure rigarta sosai don gudun kada sanyi. Misali: An yi wa mutumin da ke cikin kilt ɗin bel ɗin ɗamara da faffadan madaurin fata. Misali: Galloway saniyar da aka yi wa bel ɗin ɗamara tana da farar ratsin fari a kusa da tsakiyar sashinta. . Misali: Ya yi magana da kauri mai kauri, bel na New York wanda ya ci amanar tarbiyyarsa a cikin Bronx.

Sentence Examples

  1. He was belted hard on the head from behind each time he stumbled.
  2. Fourteen children and adults were belted to the white leather seats.
  3. Clovis, in a heavy robe of deep yellow trimmed in dark blue and belted around his waist with a blue-and-silver sash, smiled faintly as he nodded in my direction.
  4. No traces of land or water could be discovered, and the whole was clouded with variable spots, and belted with tropical and equatorial zones.
  5. I enjoyed watching him get excited about spotting a thicket of flame azalea or a belted kingfisher diving for its dinner.
  6. Two armed police officers with belted pistols stood silent at the front doors.
  7. It belted out a scream unlike anything she had ever heard in her life, even from the others she had encountered.
  8. Every one of them belted out war cries loud enough to burst their own vocal cords.
  9. It hung to my knees and looked pretty good when I belted it.
  10. He had the long, belted bundle that Fern had given him across his lap, and was undoing the clasps on a small bulky case I had seen tied behind our other things on Sir Brown Horse.