English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "striker" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma ga wasu ma'anoni da aka fi sani: /li> A cikin wasanni, musamman ƙwallon ƙafa ( ƙwallon ƙafa), ɗan wasan gaba wanda aikinsa na farko shine zura kwallaye. Na'urar inji da ke buga ko buge sama ko wani abu, kamar fashewar wuta ko firing a cikin bindiga. li>Wa'adin soja na soja ko sashin da ke da alhakin kai hari kan abokan gaba.

Sentence Examples

  1. We met twice to agree to keep Striker on the team.
  2. Was she talking about meeting Striker that night at eight thirty?
  3. What if someone is making it look like Striker is part of the scheme?
  4. I tried to locate Lorraine among the crowd, but I only recognized Striker doing intense pull-ups.
  5. While preparing my introductory remarks, a few stragglers walked in, including Striker and his girlfriend, Carla.
  6. When I dismissed the class, Carla ran out after Striker, followed by a few other students.
  7. Striker waved to me while preparing for his next set of exercises.
  8. I used to bring him in, in the seventh or eighth inning whenever Striker tired out or gave up too many hits.
  9. Unless she changed her mind, and Coach Oliver, Stanton, or Striker killed her in revenge.
  10. As I navigated the roads near the base of the mountains and Crilly Lake, I compiled a list of ways I could check the alibis for Carla, Jordan, and Striker without outright asking them.