English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "batting" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma gabaɗaya tana nufin aiki ko fasaha na buga ƙwallon ƙwallon da jemage a wasanni irin su cricket ko baseball. A wasan kurket, batting yana nufin aikin buga ƙwallon da bat ɗin cricket da ƙoƙarin zura kwallo a gudu yayin da ake kare wicket daga ƴan wasan adawa. na kayan kwalliyar da ake amfani da su don samar da matattakala ko insulation.

Sentence Examples

  1. She tried batting her eyelashes as helplessly as possible.
  2. Her arms ached from batting insects and branches away from her face.
  3. She laughed melodiously, smiling at him and batting her thick lashes.
  4. She crawled in, batting cobwebs from her hair and face and blowing them out of her mouth.
  5. Batting aside Athra warriors like they were made of straw.
  6. The sword was heading straight for me but without batting an eye, the nameless man grabbed the blade and stopped it, the sharp edge cutting deep and drawing blood.
  7. Dark shapes fluttered around me as I walked, but I kept batting them away.
  8. The thought had barely formed when Bodger let out a threatening yowl and dove out from under the table, clawing and batting me away from his bowl.
  9. Most of the town seemed to be practically deserted, with only the rare elderly citizen meandering somewhere or a child dutifully batting at some object with a wooden sword.
  10. A mum and dad and two toddlers threw bread into the water on the opposite side, and the geese took flight, chased away the approaching ducks, wings batting at them, hoarding the bread for themselves.